Next intake opens May 22, 2024 @ 2PM EST

Next intake opens May 22, 2024 @ 2PM EST

Become a member of the community for ambitious creatives

Get started for $24.99 / month or less.


Socality was born out of a desire to foster community and belonging while empowering creatives to pursue their biggest aspirations. Over the years, that vision has seen a variety of different expressions: meet-ups, conferences, camps, retreats, spaces, workshops and creative experiences all designed to help creatives collaborate with talented, inspiring, like-minded individuals.

After a decade of creative community building, we're bringing our insights and network together to create an ecosystem that bridges the gap between established experts and every kind of creator. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, we’re building something exciting designed to support you at every stage of your journey.

If you want to grow creatively and expand your network, there’s something magical that happens inside

the right community.

People become catalysts for change, new ideas come to life and suddenly you’re going further than you ever thought was possible. 

That’s why Socality exists.

  • The reason we’re all here. From finding inspiration, optimizing workflow, creative recovery, leaning into flow states and more.

  • Offers, pitching, finance, contracts, outsourcing, working with a team, project management, and more.

  • The part that makes the other two run smoothly - from mindset and managing time to productivity, habits, and managing energy and focus. It’s all connected.

Our Three Core Pillars:

What we’re building: 

The power of a like-minded community is fully unlocked when you discover that there is an unlimited supply of others who have the exact piece of knowledge, connection, technique, tool, workflow, client, or solution to the problem you’re currently facing. 

This is a community of ambitious creatives looking to turn dreams into reality. 

Think you’re in the right place?

For Members

02 Community

01 Masterminds

03 Downloads & Resources

04 Plan & Accountability

For Founding Members

05 Early Access

06 Lifetime Discount

01. Masterminds

These online sessions provide the opportunity to learn from established creative entrepreneurs, filmmakers, photographers, makers, agency owners, and CEOs. Our mentors have all built a life around their creativity and they’re here to support you along your journey.

The monthly mastermind sessions are designed to empower members in business, personal development, and creativity, anchored by a collective focus on distilling big dreams and goals into actionable steps with consistent check-ins and small group break-out rooms built into the flow of the monthly sessions.

Consider this the “anchor” of our monthly rhythm.

Mentors Joey & Christy Speers

02. Community

Founding Members will have immediate access to the private Founding Members Facebook Group & Chat Channels and will be first to access the future online community space before it launches. 

Looking to connect with other peers throughout the month? Join a mastermind or mid-month check-in for small group break-outs and get direct support from others who are working through similar problems.

We’ll also be adding members to @Socality’s Close Friends on IG. There you’ll find member updates, additional content, and perks and bonuses as things grow.

03. Downloads & Resources

Get access to a growing and rotating selection of exclusive perks, downloads, and resources directly from our mentors, partners, and more. Keep an eye out for plenty of deals, discounts, and other opportunities for members as the membership rolls out.

Examples: Immediate access to over $200 in presets and creative adjustment tools from Garrett King, Nicole Ashley, Irene Rudnyk, & more for Founding Members. Looking to improve your outreach skills? Mentors Joey & Christy Speers are currently providing their $99 USD Outreach Templates Course to members at 90% off. 

And this is only the start! We’ll be dropping more deals and digital assets for members to download and access on an ongoing basis.

The RGB Pack courtesy of Mentor Garrett King

04. Plan & Accountability

Members are provided with an annual “master plan” to build out that takes theory and makes it practical for your specific goals.

Accountability - as part of the monthly Mastermind sessions we highlight people who are crushing it within our community, create space for members to check-in with each other on where things are at, and re-focus for the next month, quarter, or year ahead.

Founding Members

05. Early Access

Get early access to The Socality Membership before a full launch later in 2024.

Founding Members also get first access to all of the upcoming features that will be rolling out as part of the membership road map.

Roadmap Includes:

Searchable Community Index & Profiles, In Person City Launch Events, Retreats and Summit Add-Ons, Added Access to Mentors, Growing content library & community knowledge base, & lots more!

Founding Members

06. Lifetime Discount

As a Founding Member, you’ll get access to the best price for life.  Save a minimum of 50% off the regular price after full launch later in 2024.

*all Socality memberships are annual memberships - choice of annual or monthly billing pricing.

A growing tribe of mentors.

We all need guides.

Those people who are a few steps ahead to point the way and help us re-focus on what matters most when the hardest parts of life knock us down. 

The Socality community has never been built on one personality, instead it’s always been a place where creatives from all walks of life and skill levels come together, learn, and support each other in the pursuit of their biggest dreams and aspirations. Meet some of the mentors!

What to expect:


Community Chats Channels

Access to ongoing conversations with other members, supporting each other in solving specific problems, connecting, and shaping the membership as it grows.

Members Facebook Group

Here you’ll find weekly updates, check-ins on community progress, and supporting resources tied into the monthly themes and focus areas.

IG Close Friends

Members will find periodic bonus content, membership updates, and reminders for any deals or resources that get dropped.

What to expect:


The Monthly Focus

Each month focuses on one theme from within our three pillars of Business, Creativity, and Personal Development. There’s so much to implement and integrate into our lives and creative businesses. When it’s all floating and half done it feels overwhelming, leaving us in a state of not knowing where to start or what to complete next.

That’s why each month is built around a specific theme and focus. From Crafting Offers, Email Marketing & Email List Management, Optimizing Your Website and Online Presence, Finance, Contracts, to Workflow and Productivity Systems, these topics will cover so many things to make you and your creativity thrive. Oh, and we haven’t even mentioned creative recovery, avoiding burnout, and building out all the habits we all want around our health and wellness at the same time

Monthly Mastermind Session

Every month one of our mentors will do a deep dive into the monthly focus and provide practical next steps to integrate that into your life, creativity, or business.

Monthly Check-Ins & Accountability

Members get a chance to connect with one another and check-in on their progress towards their annual goals and quarterly and monthly milestones during the Monthly Masterminds and support each other during scheduled “Mid-Month Check-Ins”.

What to expect:

& Annually


Quarterly Review

Every quarter we encourage members to celebrate what’s been accomplished over the past 3 months, review, and set their milestones for the next quarter.

Annual Review

Similar to the quarterly review, as we get to the close of the year we encourage members to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, celebrate the wins, and to build and look forward to the next year.

The Master Plan - Annual Planning

Members are encouraged to complete a provided goal setting and annual planning worksheet, designed to clarify big dreams and goals into actionable next steps. This is something that members refer back to throughout the year, update, and share with other members for support and accountability


What’s the commitment?

Like anything in life - you will get out of the membership what you’re willing to put in. The person who will get the most out of it will be someone who is serious about realizing growth in their creativity, business, and personal life. Those willing to be active participants, engaging the process, and taking advantage of the growing network and community for support will experience the largest benefits.

If you’re action oriented, motivated, and willing to do the work, you’re in the right place. 

With that said, the membership is being designed to empower creatives and creative entrepreneurs to start where they are. Whether you’re well established and looking to dial in a few missing pieces, looking to connect with like-minded individuals and grow your network, or just getting started, there’s a place for you here.

Become a Founding Member

We’re currently in the “Founders Phase”, and in order to streamline the process and ensure that we’re able to build and grow the membership in a healthy way while delivering the most value to everyone we are running monthly intake windows

Intake Process

Current Intake Status: CLOSED

Next Intake Opens: May 22 @ 2PM EST

During the Founders Phase we’re opening Founding Membership intakes for 7 days each month.

If you’re here and you see the current intake closed, drop your email into the form below and we’ll make sure you get notified when the next intake window opens up.

Become a Founding Member and save a minimum of 50% off the regular price of the Socality Membership after the Founders Phase ends in June. Space is limited to a total of 500 memberships at this price.

Founding Member | Annual Subscription

$199.00 / year

33% off vs. monthly payments

*Annual membership, with a single payment of $199.00.

If you cancel your membership during the year, it will still remain active for the duration of your membership year.

Founding Member | Monthly Payments

$24.99 / monthly*

*$300 / year, billed monthly (12 months)

*Annual membership, with monthly payments of $24.99.

Members will have the opportunity to renew at their locked-in founding member price at the conclusion of their first year.

All memberships are annual, and this option simply offers founding members the ability to make payments monthly instead of paying up front.


You’re here for a reason.

We’re building the space we wish existed when we were all starting out. 

Actually, we’re building the space we want now as established creatives and entrepreneurs too. 

Knowledge + Practice + Community

We think that’s a critical formula for succeeding in the goals we set for our creativity, our business, and our lives. 

If you’re passionate about bringing your dreams and ambitions to life alongside a group of like-minded people and you’re ready to put in the work, become a founding member and let’s build something incredible together.


  • The monthly online mastermind sessions are designed to empower members in business, personal development, and creativity, anchored by a collective focus on distilling big dreams and goals into actionable steps with monthly, quarterly, and annual check-ins built into the flow of the monthly sessions.

    What does that look like in practice? Each session will have a focused segment with knowledge being shared from some of our mentors or guest mentors - from crafting better offers, finance and tax planning for creatives, to habit formation and workflow optimization and much more, these sessions will bring practical tools into the rhythm of the year.

    Members will be able to submit related questions and problems in advance and some sessions will involve live workshopping and on-demand problem solving.

    Sessions will conclude with monthly, quarterly, or annual check-ins where members collectively will be challenged to review their progress together, and celebrate the wins achieved on the way there.

  • The monthly mastermind sessions will be hosted live online but there will be various opportunities for face to face connections and members will have first access to upcoming retreats, summits, and multi-day events.

    As the membership rolls out, city launch events will be hosted in cities that hit various membership milestones.

    We’re starting with an online focus first, but face to face has always been a core value so expect in person opportunities to continue to grow for members as things move forward.

  • Founding Members will start with immediate access to a private Facebook Group, Chat Channels, and IG Close Friends to connect and communicate with the team and members during the Founding stage of the membership.

    As part of the larger roadmap, we’re working towards the roll-out of an integrated online community space that Founding Members will get first access to.

  • The Socality Founding Membership is an annual membership and the membership includes access to digital products made available by our mentors upon entry.

    Because of this, the membership is non-refundable.


Belonging to a community of ambitious creatives looking to build the life they want.

An annual and quarterly plan to follow that takes theory and makes it practical for your specific goals.

Built in accountability - we meet every month and we’ll be highlighting people who are crushing it within our community. Be inspired by the people you are working along side.

Guidance from “you in the future”. Get advice and perspectives from a deep bench of creatives and entrepreneurs who have figured out how to thrive in their own unique way.

Discounts and deals as we find them.

A growing collection of downloadable assets from our mentors, team, and partners.

Opportunity to connect with others in the community.

A locked-in discounted price for life. $199 USD / year or $24.99 / month (billed annually).

First access to all of the features and additions that will be rolling out as part of the membership road map.